A whole lot of my blog buddies (I read their blogs whether I know them personally or not) are having give-aways. This will be your one-stop shop linking to those give-aways.
My cool friend at
My Frugal Lifestyle is having a give away of some really snazzy designer purses that another blogger she knows makes!! I like the Bella Blue style. The designer is LauraOh! Designs. Read her other posts this week as it's give away week all week!!
My really cool author friend Sarah M Eden, you might remember me being
interviewed in her blog, is having a give-away and drops random clues on her blog. She recently had one of her books released and it is on sale now at Deseret Books. In fact, it's in the top ten!! Way to go Sarah! Read the latest clue
If you live in Utah (I don't) and want to attend the Utah Valley Women's Expo, you can get free tickets
here. And while you are at the expo enter the give-away for the wheat grinder. You can read more about it on the same link.
Good luck.